This is a brief summary of some of the differences found in the construction confined space standard (1926 Subpart AA) compared to the confined space standard for general industry (1910.146). This is not detailed and not at all to be considered exhaustive. The first difference is that some key definitions are introduced that are not … Read more
Welcome to National Trench Safety’s Expert Corner, your definitive source for expert trench and shoring information. As a global leader in trench safety, we are dedicated to delivering comprehensive, cutting-edge content that supports best practices in the industry. Our Expert Corner is where we showcase the knowledge and insights of our seasoned professionals, with a singular focus on trench and shoring safety.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional seeking advanced knowledge or a beginner looking to understand the basics, our Expert Corner is designed to equip you with the essential information you need. Join us as we dig deeper into the world of trench safety, shaping safer and more efficient workplaces, one post at a time.
Do It Your Way and Safe at the Same Time
I recently received a question regarding sloping at the open end of a trench shield that was being used on a pipeline project. The manufacturer’s tabulated data was unclear on the issue and an inspector was required that the sloping adheres to the OSHA Appendix B for sloping and benching. This is a prime example … Read more
Knowledge Article: Composite Mats – A Cost-Effective Solution
Composite mats are a cost-effective solution used to protect ground structures. LibertyMats® are made from 100% recycled high-density polyethylene and manufactured in the United States. Composite mats are designed with Chevron Traction textured grips making the mats slip-resistant. The design also incorporates handholes allowing two people to safely position the mats. Common uses involve creating … Read more
Knowledge Article: The Modular Aluminum Box – A Powerful Lightweight Solution
The aluminum box is a lightweight, modular, and portable system that can be assembled by hand. Modular shield panels offer the flexibility to match changing job-site trench protection requirements. Aluminum panels range from 3-ft to 16-ft in length and have an operational reach of 25-ft in depth. Typically, this system is favored by contractors working … Read more
Knowledge Article: Modular Aluminum Box – a Versatile Application
The modular aluminum box is a lightweight, portable system that can be assembled by a two-man crew. Its low footprint design allows assembly by hand and minimizes transportation costs. The protective system is composed of pin-in place panels that range from 2-ft to 14-ft in length and 2-ft in height. This solution is a favorite … Read more
Engineers Corner: A Closer Look at Site Specific Shoring Plans
Site-specific shoring plans originated in response to OSHA Subpart P-1926.652(c) (4) Option 4, Design by an Engineer. In the standard, OSHA states: 1926.652(c)(4)(i)- Support systems, shield systems, and other protective systems not utilizing Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3, above, shall be approved by a registered professional engineer. 1926.652(c)(4)(ii)-Designs shall be in written form … Read more
Engineer’s Corner: The Major Entities Involved in Producing a Shoring System
Roles and Responsibilities This article looks at the roles of major players involved in producing a shoring system, as well as their responsibilities. One way to do this is by looking at risk and litigation when something goes wrong. In the United States, all industries are subject to litigation, this article looks at the four … Read more
Engineer’s Corner: The Major Entities Involved in Producing a Shoring System
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES This article looks at the roles of major players involved in producing a shoring system, as well as their responsibilities. One way to do this is by looking at risk and litigation when something goes wrong. In the United States, all industries are subject to litigation, this article looks at the four … Read more
Engineer’s Corner: OSHA Soil Types and Their Impact on Shoring Systems
In almost all cases, a Competent Person must first classify soil in accordance with the OSHA Appendix A Soil Classification prior to selecting open-cut sloping or a manufacturer shoring system for a project. The appendix outlines three soil types in descending order of stability, Type A, Type B, and Type C. Anyone that works with … Read more
Engineer’s Corner: Trench Shield Inspection and Repair
It is well understood that the use of shoring equipment requires regular inspection and maintenance. Understanding how to inspect a shoring device, what needs to be focused on, and how to make practical decisions about what is observed, is not so clear. Steel shoring shields have very long lifetimes, which depend on how the product … Read more
Engineer’s Corner: Excavation Shoring Equipment Job Hazard Analysis
On June 19th through 24th, the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) will be sponsoring a Trench Safety Stand-Down to raise awareness and prevent accidents in excavation work. One of the major ideas behind a safety stand-down is to increase awareness and focus on safety by encouraging participants to stop, think about safety, and determine ways … Read more